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Charlie Butters: Runaway Lawnmower Claymation

In this claymation cartoon Charlie’s wife bugs him to do the lawn. As he really doesn’t want to do it he gets his daughter Izzy to do it but things go horribly wrong when Izzy starts the lawnmower. Check it out for a good laugh!

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You can even subscribe to our channel just by clicking on the link below! Stay tuned…

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Valentine’s Day Charlie Butters Balloon Claymation (Interactive)

This is our Charlie Butters Balloon Valentine interactive film. In this claymation Charlie and his wife go ballooning for Valentine’s Day and unfortunately Charlie ends up in trouble. We made this one interactive, so when his wife gets made at Charlie’s clumsiness you get to choose what to say. It will determine the outcome. Either way check it out!

Remember if you like this the best way to make sure we continue to release them is by going to youtube and: clicking the thumbs up on this video, adding us to your favorites, leaving a comment on this video, or subscribing to our channel.

You can even subscribe to our channel just by clicking on the link below! Stay tuned…

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Robin How To Make Tutorial / Time Lapse (Part 1 of 2)

How to make a clay Robin (from comics) Tutorial. In this video we show the process we went through to make our Robin clay figure. This one will be used in an upcoming parody claymation cartoons. Stay tuned for the Batman and Robin parody cartoon and other claymation cartoons!

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Remember if you like the video the best way to make sure we continue to release them is by going to youtube and: clicking the thumbs up on this video, adding us to your favorites, leaving a comment on this video, or subscribing to our channel.

You can even subscribe to our channel just by clicking on the link below! Stay tuned…

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How To Make A Clay Batman, Tutorial, Timelapse (Part 1 of 2)

How To Make a clay Batman Tutorial Part 1 of 2. In this video we show the process we went through to make our Batman clay figure. This one will be used in an upcoming parody claymation cartoons. This figure is a little more advanced than the previous ones we’ve created. Probably not the most advanced that we plan to create though. Stay tuned for the Batman parody cartoon and other claymation cartoons!

Purchase our song at:

Remember if you like this the best way to make sure we continue to release them is by going to youtube and: clicking the thumbs up on this video, adding us to your favorites, leaving a comment on this video, or subscribing to our channel.

You can even subscribe to our channel just by clicking on the link below! Stay tuned…

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The Avengers – Captain America Gets A Pimple Claymation

In this claymation cartoon Captain America gets a pimple and must go to the lab for a scientist to help him get rid of it. With horrific results! Check it out for a good laugh!

Remember if you like this the best way to make sure we continue to release them is by going to youtube and: clicking the thumbs up on this video, adding us to your favorites, leaving a comment on this video, or subscribing to our channel.

You can even subscribe to our channel just by clicking on the link below! Stay tuned…

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